initial Russian [pervichnye] also "primogenital"
ngo ta ni The example is taken directly from Müller, Lectures, 322.
Chinese tszy See R. M. Mathews. A Chinese-English Dictionary (Shanghai: 1932), Tsî tzu [radical 39] means "son." (1023). lao, [radical 125] means "old, aged, venerable..."(561).
Müller Bely will rely heavily on F. Max Müller, Lectures on the Science of Language. Here and in another work Selected Essays on Language, Mythology and Religion. Müller focuses on roots as the key to the study of language origins. "Language, in the sense in which we use the word, begins with roots, which are not only the ultimate facts for the Science of Language, but real facts in the history of human speech." ( 88). Müller wrote primarily in English, but his works were widely translated into German. Bely does not indicate the edition or the language of the text(s) he had consulted. Rudolf Steiner makes reference to Müller in his works and could have been the source for Bely's interest.
lucet The Latin verb luceo (of a heavenly body, fire, etc.) To emit light, shine. lucet is the third person singular form "it is shining, it shines." It can also be used of the day meaning to dawn;. and impersonally meaning "it is becoming light." The question of how words were originally constructed in the European languages has not been totally resolved. Müller argues that in the Indo-European languages the system of endings that developed, the inflections, that distinguish grammatical categories singular or plural, the different forms of verbs, are actually a combination of the root and what was once a single or several individual words meaning I, he, it, etc., sing=plural etc. When put together luc-e-t, presumably luc- carries the burden of the root meaning, "light," e- is a marker of present time, and -t is an indication of the third person singular "it" form. While there is certain appeal and logic to this, linguists are uneasy with their inability to actually prove or trace this process back further to Indo-European. In Muller Lectures he discusses luc-e-s (302), See also Müller, Selected Essays, 105-106.
tud... tudati is Sanskrit "to strike." Cf. Müller, Selected Essays, 96. Also see Carl Darling Buck, A Dictionary of Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages (Univ. of Chicago, 1949), pp. 716-717. Skt. is tud. The word is related to English "push."