toot [zyk] of the tongue Russian [yazyk]" Bely plays with the Russian words [zyk] meaning "loud cry" and [yazyk] 'tongue " and "language."
chrysos Greek "gold" The Latin form is chrysus.
Christ Greek christos meaning "the anointed one" is a calque for the Hebrew, Aramaic for "Messiah." The Latin for Christ is Christus.
And the Demons . . . from the poem by Nikolai Kliuev (1994-1937). Bely excerpts from the poem: "The Song of the Sunbearer" [Pesen' solntsenostsa] quoted earlier in Section 36. The poem was first printed in Scythians [Skify], ii, 1918 accompanied by an introductory article by Bely himself in which he says "Kliuev, a poet of the people, hears how the Dawn, the enormous sun rises over 'white India.'"
riza The precious metal covering of the Russian icon.
Aeria Latin for Egypt.
Ra the Egyptian sun god
Reason Russian [Razum]
Oziris Bely uses the Russian form of "Osiris," the Egyptian god of the male productive force in nature, became identified with the setting sun. Also the ruler of the realm of the dead in the mysterious region below the western horizon. Osiris was the brother and husband of Isis.
Izida Russian for Isis the wife of Osiris.
Ozoroeris (Horus) Son of Osiris and Izida, Egyptian sky god and protector of the monarchy,
pleroma OED XI, 1044. "1. Fullness, plenitude; a. in Gnostic theology, The spiritual universe as the abode of God and of the totality of the divine powers and emanations."
Arsaphes. [arsafes] Egyptian name for Dionysus, (Pape, I, 145). Found in Dr. W. Pape, Woerterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen, Dritter-Vierter Band of Handwoerterbuch der Griechischen Sprache, in vier Baenden, Dritte Auflage, neu bearbeitet von Dr. Gustav Eduard Benseler (Braunschweig, 1884)
Sezorphos an Egyptian pharaoh (Pape, II, 1374).
Feia for Fea according to Pape,( II, 1607)
Fof Pape (I, 512) equates without explanation the Greek Thoth to Phthouth.
Dionysus Pape (I, 512) equates without explanation the Greek Thoth to Phthouth. Dionysus (also known as Bacchus) son of Zeus, Greek god of fertility and of wine.
Serapis a compound deity combining the names and attributes of Osiris and Apis to which attributes of Zeus and Dionysus were added.
Apis (Serapis) Egyptian god depicted as a bull, god of fertility and strength in war.
Sisois an Egyptian (Pape, II, 1400) Typographical error in Russian.
Sesosis an Egyptian Pharaoh (Pape, II, 1374)
Sesoustris an Egyptian Pharaoh of XII Dynasty (Pape, II, 1374)
Soufis Egyptian name for Sirius (Pape, II, 1469)
Sostris cf, (Pape, II, 1477) and Seoustris.
Sesoosiss an Egyptian Pharaoh (Pape, II, 1374)
Ouses an Egyptian Pharaoh (Pape, II, 1098)
Osoreris an Egyptian (Pape, II, 1081)
Sekhnouphis teacher of Plato (Pape, II, 1375)
Sefouris an Egyptian Pharaoh (Pape, II, 1378)
Sifis an Egyptian (Pape, II, 1385)
Siseres an Egyptian Pharaoh of V Dynasty (Pape, II, 1400) Typographical error in Russian
Sousas an Egyptian (Pape, II, 1469)