"ser-as" is -- summer and heat Bely might mean Latin "serentas"
ser-enus Latin "bright, clear sky"
Ser-ios Bely may have intended the Greek name Seirios
Sirius The brightest star in the sky, the chief of the constellation Canis Major, or Great Dog. Egyptians considered Canis Major the most important constellation in the sky. A number of Egyptian temples were oriented so that at the rising or setting of Sirius, the starlight reached the inner altar. In the Egyptian calendar, the appearance of Sirius in the morning sky before sunrise marked the beginning of the annual flooding of the Nile.
Greek changes for us the Sanskrit "s" into aspiration, into "h"; "r" softens into "l"; we comprehend, that "serios" is -- "selios" -- "selios" is -- sé-lios" ; -- the sounds of the sun in Greek are -- products from the primal root "Ser" -- "hélios. In fact the Greek "helios is "sun." Cf. Pokorny (I, 881-882) and Preobrazhensky (352-353). Also see Stuart E. Mann An Indo-European Comparative Dictionary Hamburg: 1984-1987. (1114). The IE root for sun, etc. is to be found in the root sauel-....sul-...sun-. The connection between the root ser or sor, comes through association with the Greek "helios" for "sun." Helios is the sun god son of Hypernion who drives his chariot from east to west across the sky each day. Bely has a quote from his own work: Ofeira: Putevye zametki written in 1910 in which he compares solntse, soleil, selios and helios. p. 62
Heloreus the son of Hephaestus. Bely has this name from Pape.
Hephaestus The Greek god of fire and as a master smith who was the god of fire and the patron of craftsmen. Son of Hera, and married to Aphrodite.
Just as solar are: "sar-sas-as-ias" Cf. Pokorny, (I ,881).
"sar" is "s(w)ar" -- sun (Sanskrit). Brugmann (57) says the Sanskrit word means "sky, heavens."
zar What follows is a series of sound associations, the license of the poet to go beyond what the science of linguistics can offer.
The Russian word [vyodro] in the meaning of fine clear weather is obsolete. Probably related to English "weather," German "Wetter." Cf. A. Preobrazhensky, Etimologicheskij slovar' russkogo yazyka 2 vols. M: 1910-1914 rpr. Columbia 1951. I, 69.
radix Latin "root. Note that in Philology the "radix" was the original word or form.
Note that the transition from "ser" to "sor" to "red" is documented in Pokorny (I, 910).
Zeus In Greek mythology, Zeus (corresponds to the Roman god Jupiter) was the god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods. Zeus was considered the father of the gods and of mortals in the sense of being the protector and ruler both of the Olympian family and of the human race. He was lord of the sky, the rain god, and the cloud gatherer, who wielded the terrible thunderbolt. Zeus was the youngest son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea and the brother of the deities Poseidon , Hades , Hestia , Demeter, and Hera. According to one of the ancient myths of the birth of Zeus, Cronus, fearing that he might be dethroned by one of his children, swallowed them as they were born. Upon the birth of Zeus, Rhea wrapped a stone in swaddling clothes for Cronus to swallow and concealed the infant god in Crete. When Zeus grew to maturity, he forced Cronus to disgorge the other children, who were eager to take vengeance on their father. In the war that followed, the Titans fought on the side of Cronus, but Zeus and the other gods were successful, and the Titans were consigned to the abyss of Tartarus. Zeus henceforth ruled over the sky, and his brothers Poseidon and Hades were given power over the sea and the underworld, respectively. The earth was to be ruled in common by all three. The god of justice and mercy, the protector of the weak, and the punisher of the wicked. As husband to his sister Hera, he is the father of Ares, the god of war; Hebe, the goddess of youth; Hephaestus, the god of fire; and Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth.
"iasis" in Greek is "healing." For the relationship of ias to iag and therefore the "sacred" cf. Mann (438-439) and Pokorny (I, 510). Greek agios is heilig, holy. iasis in Greek is "healing." This root is also related "to revere," and the "holy. " Buck (1475) sees a relationship between Sanskrit isira meaning "vigorous, lively." The relation between sacred, holy and healing is specific in German heilen, heilig.
"iassis," "iaso," "iasos" ??
"iais" -- the beauty ??
Golden Fleece is -- Jason. In Greek mythology, Jason was the son of Aeson and the leader of the Argonauts, who sought the Golden Fleece. The myth of the Argonauts and the Golden Fleece was a key myth for the young Symbolists and Bely in particular who published in the Russian journal Golden Fleece, [Zolotoe runo], and who belonged a group that called themselves the Argonauts [Argonavty].
Ze-na is the sky/heaven (Homer); Zen is the force or power of Zeus.
zen is -- day; and from here: ze-nith and zzenica (dennica) daylight; zez-zezd-zuezd-zwezd
zvezdy stars Russian [zvyozdy] and starry Russian [zvyozdnyj]. Cf. Preobrazhensky (179) on the connection of "day" to "Zeus." Also the connection between "stars" and "striking one with force so as to see sparks." Preobrazhensky (245), Cf. Pokorny (1, 495), Brugmann (85, 88, 112).