veil Bely uses the Russian [sharf] but it is clear from Steiner's descriptions and the actual practice of eurythmy that this is the veil (Schleier) held and manipulated by the eurythmist.
combinations/connections com+bin two together, join two things together. Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French combiner, from Late Latin combinare, from Latin com- + bini two by two Date: 15th century. transitive senses: 1 a : to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characters : MERGE b : to cause to unite into a chemical compound c : to unite into a single number or expression <combine fractions and simplify; 2 : INTERMIX, BLEND; 3 : to possess in combination; intransitive senses: 1 a : to become one b : to unite to form a chemical compound; 2 : to act together
composing com+ponere place/put together obsolete compone; com+poser place /put
stream of air Literally "aery stream" from the Russian [vozdushnyj]
the foreign "u" Bely uses the Russian letter to clarify for his readers.
iun Russian [iunost'] means "youth."
throat Russian [glotka] is related through Indo-European to English "gullet" and Latin "gula" meaning "throat."
Hauch German "breath"
formation Russian [obrazovan'e] and [obrazovanie]. The common translation is "formation." There is the verb in English "to image" making possible the formation of the noun "imaging" which can be found in the Oxford English Dictionary. The Russian word [obraz] meaning "a mental image" should correspond to a verb "to image." Bely himself was to prefer and select sound over sense, and his choice of two Russian variants for the word is dictated by the rhythm of his text.
plant thread The Russian [tkan'] meaning "thread" is related to the Russian word "to weave." There is the original connection of thread to the natural world: according to the OED "thread" is "A fine cord composed of the fibres or filaments of flax, cotton, wool, silk, etc. spun to a considerable length;..."