Saturn's day The transition to Saturn's day (Saturday) is not completely random. Saturn is frequently associated with Chronos. Here too we must remember the concept of the names of the planets with capital letters as used by Steiner in his Occult Science.
w* This explanation corresponds to that of Meillet (94).
Picture 4. All illustrations were done by Bely himself. But in the original graphic there is a misprint or the scripted "e" reproduced as an "c." The context of the following paragraph makes it clear that it should read: a e i. In Bely's papers at the Russian State Library in Moscow "K zvuku slov" his notes for Section 28 include a similar diagram that does confirm the a e i sequence. The diagram also has an o above the e and u directly below the e forming a complete cross.
h -- a e i -- r
aeternally In order to preserve the root ae I have used this older spelling. There is a linguistic connection between "ae" and the concept of life. Cf. Greek, aion, Latin aevum and as my daughter Alexandra notes, the word "aeternus." Müller Lectures (327) points to ae as the "radical" or "root" meaning "life." See also Brugmann, 218.
The Wheel: the Cross and circle. Bely connects the sense through the sounds in Russian [koleso: krest i krug] (somewhat preserved in the English translation. Russian [koleso] is derived from the root *kuel- "drehen, sich drehen" [to turn] cf. Pokorny (I, 639) and also likely to *kuel- "drehen, sich drehen" [to turn],(ibid. I, 639). The Latin word "collom" means "neck," English collar L. collare, f. coll-um neck: by successive approximations to the Latin, coler has become collar: Something worn about the neck. OED
Porzezinski. I have not found this work, but as I have noted, much of what Bely uses resembles the work of A. G. Preobrazhenskij, Etimologicheskij slovar' russkogo yazyka, M 1910-1914, who also cites Brugmann and Meillet.
Meillet Introduction a l'étude comparative des langues indo-européenes, Paris 1903.
Brugmann: Kurze vergleichende Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen, Strasbourg 1902-1904. I have also examined the basis for this work, the larger Karl Brugmann und Berthold Delbruck, Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen: Laut-, Stammbildungs- und Flexionslehre der indogermanischen Sprachen, 2 Bearbeitung, II Bände (Strassburg:1897).: Bely draws many of his examples from Brugmann, but not all, He frequently uses his own knowledge of Russian and Church Slavonic to amplify his examples.