time Russian [vremya] Connected to the root *uer, "turning."
Arché Greek "arcaios" = original.. "archeus" The immaterial principle supposed by the Paraclesians to produce and preside over the activities of the animal and vegetable economy; vital force." (OED, I, 611). The Archai in Christian esotericsim are also the Primal Beginnings, the Spirits of Personality. See Steiner, Occult Science, 125.
Chronos Greek Xronos "time." Also Cronos or Kronus, is the youngest son of Uranus and Gaia. He helps his mother by castrating his father. When he becomes the ruler of the world, he marries his sister Rhea. She will deliver Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Pluto, and Poseidon, all who are consumed by the father. Rhea also gives birth to Zeus. Kronus is sometimes identified with Saturn, Bely finds, as did the Greeks themselves, a natural sound affinity between chronus-time and Kronus who is sometimes Time Personified. (Bely needs the chr combination for later association with Christ.) Zeus is related to Sanskrit "Dyaus" meaning the bright heavens.
nobleborn "r". blagorodnyj "r" [blagorodnyj "r"] The Russian word is normally translated as "noble" but more closely related by its root to the English word "generous." The Latin root "gen" corresponds to the Slavic "rod." There is a consistent play of words based on the root "rod" throughout this work and also in Bely's novels, The Christened Chinaman and Petersburg. The choice of "nobleborn" refers back to the reference "time is born."
Uhr German "time, hour"
Ur-Uranus Uranus is the father murdered by his own son, Chronos.
Herr German "master, lord, mister"
cry Russian [krichat'], [krik] are related to "crying." All the words are connected by the sounds "k" and "r." Cf. Pokorny, (I, 567-571) ker-,kor-,kr- Schallnachahmung für heisere rauche Töne, solche Tierstimmen und die Tiere;..."
karah Sanskrit "cry" ?
hrika Preobrazhensky cites this word as coming from "old northern Germanic" meaning "scream'
krike Greek "krice" means "to screek" and the "krige" is an "owl."
clamor Latin "shout, cry."
cris "scream" ?
cryer -- crow. I have tried to maintain the "kr" sounds in this paragraph, much like Bely himself. In fact Russian [voron] is traditionally translated as "raven." Müller also uses "crow."
karava Sanskrit The reference comes from Müller, Lectures (401),
raven Old Church Slavonic [kruk]
hrok Irish?
chrest Ukrainian
crux Latin. Cf. interesting development of the English word "crux."
croix French See Buck, 902.
Here Bely crosses the lines between science of philology and poetry or the esoteric. Müller does discuss words for "crow" and "raven" (400-401),There are no explicit linguistic connections between Chronos, Herr, and cross. Later Bely will connect this all to Christ. The connection between Cross and Christ is somewhat more complicated.