In usus Latin "use" "in reality, in practice."
gnoseologist "Gnoseology" or "gnosiology" is the philosophy of cognition.
stars Russian [zvyozdy] and abysses [bezdny] are as far as I can determine related only by sound, not by etymology.
beyond the threshold; the thresholds . . . Zaporozhen thrashers Bely uses three Russian words [zaporozhen] "placed beyond the threshold, exiled"; [porog] "the threshold, also banks of a river"; and [zaporozhtsy] the "Zaporozhens," Ukrainian Cossacks, so called because they were on the islands closest to the banks. See Pokorny, Indogermanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (Munich, 1959) I, 819-820) for a discussion of the root perg-
it is void, and without form;... In the King James Version Genesis 1:2 reads: "The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters." In the Luther Bible we read: Und die Erde war wüst und leer, und es war finster auf der Tiefe; und der Geist Gottes schwebte aud dem Wasser." In Russian the verse (in transliteration) reads: Zemlya zhe byla bezvidna i pusta, i t'ma nad bezdnoyu, I dukh Bozhij nosilsya nad vodoyu." Bely and or his typesetter have misquoted the passage leading to real confusion. They reverse the order of "without form and void" in Russian [bezvidna i pusta] and mistakenly replace the replace "without form" [bezvidna] with "without water" [bezvodna]. Perhaps Bely was confused by the German "wüst" which can mean disorderly and desert, and also is found the German noun for desert which is "Wüste", Russian [pustynya]. The confusion might have been aided by the final words "the waters" "auf dem Wasser" and Russian "nad vodoyu." Later in this section Bely will repeat the error but also use the noun "formlessness" [bezvidnost']), presumably to associate with the correct biblical "without form" [bezvidna]. I leave it to the reader to decide if this was all simply an error, or whether there might be another explanation.