chrisios The Greek word chrysos also found in Latin as "chrysus" means "gold." Russian does not distinguish between Greek i and y. This will permit Bely to play and interchange chrysos and Christus from Greek meaning "anointed." There is no explicit etymological connection.
lith in Greek "lithos" is "stone." Cf. English "lithic."
lilith darkness in Hebrew.
Lilith an evil spirit in ancient Semitic legends. In folklore, and in Goethe's Faust, Lilith is the first wife of Adam,
ha'arez Hebrew for "earth" in the passage in Genesis 1:1 "Bereshit bara Elohim eye khashamaim bet kharets."* Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Rudolf Steiner discussion of this word in Lecture 3, Die Geheimnisse der biblischen Schöpfungsgeschichte, Vol. 122 of Rudolf Steiner Gesamtausgabe (44-61).
cold [kholod, kalt] The English, Russian and German words respectively are related to the Indo-European root "gel(e inverted") See Pokorny I, 365-366. This is root of the English word "glacier."
kharets? This is most likely the Russian transcription of ha'arez "kharets" "the earth grown cold gushed like a cold wave" in Russian is [okhladevshiy kharets khlynul khladnoy volnoy]
Chaldea An ancient region of southern Mesopotamia.
khlad Russian "cold."
rezy, rozy, gryozy The Russian verb "to cut" is [rezat']. [Rozy] is roses. [Gryozy] are daydreams.
Gold Russian [zoloto], etc. The Indo-European root ghel- meaning to shine, shimmer also develops into color adjectives for yellow, green, gray or blue in many languages. See Pokorny, I, 429-431. Note the similarity of Russian words for gold [zoloto], yellow [zholto] and green [zeleno].
yellow, become Russian greenery Many of the Indo-European languages have versions of words for 'green" and "yellow" apparently derived from the same root; ghel. Cf. Buck, 1058-1059.
the root "sor" Cf. Brugmann (116 ff.) for a discussion of the interchange between r and l.
Sun Russian [Solntse]
Sonne German "sun."
Soleil French "sun."
Sol Latin "sun."
The IE root for sun, etc. is to be found in the root sauel-....sul-...sun-. See Pokorny, 881. The connection between the root ser or sor, comes through association with the Greek "helios" for "sun." Helios is the sun god son of Hypernion who drives his chariot from east to west across the sky each day. Bely has a quote from his own work: Ofeira: Putevye zametki written in 1910 in which he compares solntse, soleil, selios and helios. p. 62
Bely is also anticipating the association of sun-sol-salt. Indo-European ali- gives "als" Greek for "salt," Latin "sal, salis." sometimes used poetically for the "sea."