Books about Dostoevsky in English
in Middlebury College Library
(annotations courtesy of RU351 students spring 1996)
Anderson, Roger B. Dostoevsky : myths of duality PG3328.Z6 A5 1986 University
of Florida Press, 1986.
This book incorporates Dostoevsky's interest in nonmaterial dimensions of
being. Mr. Anderson writes in the beginning that Dostoevsky conjectured
about life's possibilities more broadly than most of his contemporaries
and challenged their assumptions that psychological motivations are determined
by biographical and social conditions. This book tries to make sense of
the religious ambiguity in Dostoevsky's work.
Bakhtin, M. M. Problems of Dostoevsky's poetics PG3328 Z6 B161 1973 Ardis [1973]
Bakhtin, M. M. Problems of Dostoevsky's poetics PG3328.Z6 B1613 1984
University of Minnesota Press, 1984.
Edited and Translated by Caryl Emerson. Introduction by Wayne C. Booth.
In Theory and History of Literature, Volume 8. Bakhtin wrote on Dostoevsky
in the 1920's and 1930's. Recently, there has been an explosion of Western
interest in what Bakhtin had to say about the poetics of Dostoevsky. Bakhtin
confronts reader with complex theories and ideas about Dostoevsky's writing.
In particular he deals with the developing idea in his work on Dostoevsky.
The book examines a completely new type of artistic thinking, which has
been termed 'polyphonic'.
Belknap, Robert L. The Genesis of The Brothers Karamazov : the aesthetics,
ideology, and psychology of text making PG3325.B73 B38 1990 Northwestern
University Press, 1990.
The author analyzes everything in Dostoevsky's life that helps to create
the great work The Brothers Karamazov . It tries to break down the text
into influences around Dostoevsky during his lifetime, treating the book
as a collaboration of other writers' works, and other experiences.
Belknap, Robert L. The Structure of The Brothers Karamazov. PG3325 B73
B4 Mouton, 1967.
Belknap tears apart The Brothers Karamazov into pieces, not in a negative
sense, and studies the meaning. The author tries to expose some discrepancies,
but basically is just analyzing the novel in all its parts.
Berdiaev, Nikolai, Dostoevsky. PG3328 B413 1934 Sheed & Ward, 1934.
"This translation of Mirosozertsanie Dostoevskago has been made from
the French version of Lucienne Julien Cain, L'esprit de Dostoieski, published
by Editions Saint Michael in Paris." -p. 6 Originally written in Russian,
the author wrote this book in his love for Dostoevsky's work. It is no a
biography in its strict form, rather, it talks about the spirituality of
the great novelist. The book talks about Dostoevsky's philosophical mind,
his artistic nature, and his intelligence.
Blackmur, R. P. Eleven essays in the European novel PN3491 .B55 Harcourt,
Brace & World [1964]
This book is a collection of essays that have been printed in magazines
and presented at lectures. The first part of the book talks about Tolstoy's
Anna Karenina , Joyce's Ulysses , Flaubert's Madame Bovary , Mann's The
Magic Mountain , and Mann's Doctor Faustus . The second part deals solely
with Dostoevsky's works. There are essays on Crime and Punishment , The
Idiot , The Possessed , and The Brothers Karamozov .
Breger, Louis, Dostoevsky, the Author as Psychoanalyst PG3328 .B74 1989
New York University Press, 1989.
This book talks primarily about Crime and Punishment . It discusses the
major issue of dreams in one's life. It especially deals with the dream
of the violent beating of the horse. It deals with Dostoevsky as a writer
who gave himself into his characters, and that is the place that he can
be found again. The memory of the beating of the horse Breger connects with
his mother's death, father's tyranny and later sufferings in his life. For
Breger image of the horse is an emblem of Dostoevsky's life.
Brown, Nathalie Babel. Hugo & Dostoevsky PQ2301 B768 Ardis, c1978.
Nathalie Babel Brown compares two great writers: Victor Hugo and Fyodor
Dostoevsky. Both of them were moral predecessors of the modern age. Brown
examines the linking between the two, who share a prophetic vision. She
compares Crime and Punishment with Les Miserables and their structural similarities.
Bulletin - International Dostoevsky Society. PG3328 Z6 I52 International Dostoevsky Society.
Busch, Robert L. Humor in the major novels of F.M. Dostoevsky PG3328.Z7
H85 1987 Slavica Publishers, c1987.
This book thoroughly examines the humor is several of Dostoevsky's major
works. The format is basic. It can be called a "behind the scenes"
look of what Dostoevsky tried to write. Busch also connects several works
together with their ideas.
Carr, Edward Hallett, Dostoevsky, 1821-1881. PG3328 C27 1962 G. Allen
& Unwin [1962]
This book is a biography of the famous Russian novelist, Fyodor Dostoevsky.
It starts at birth and ends at his death, examining his works and his life
in completion.
Cascardi, Anthony J., The bounds of reason : Cervantes, Dostoevsky, Flaubert PN3347 C37 1986 Columbia University Press, 1986.
Catteau, Jacques. Dostoyevsky and the process of literary creation PG3328.Z6 C3313 19 Cambridge University Press,1989.
Cerny, Vaclav, Dostoevsky and his devils; PG3328 Z6 C4 Ardis [1975]
An essay of interpretation and criticism of Dostoevsky's works, primarily
The Devils, which takes on a somewhat sympathetic understanding and empathy
with the author by the critic. The essay serves not only as an analysis
of Dostoevsky's works, but as an outline of Cerny's critical technique,
and thus, a tool for the reader.
Chapple, Richard L., A Dostoevsky Dictionary PG3328 A09 C5 1983 Ardis
Publishers, c1983.
A complete, alphabetical listing of Dostoevsky's characters and literary
allusions designed to aid and allow the reader to gain a more thorough understanding
and appreciation of his works; either individually or seen together as a
whole. Each listing includes background information, as well as important
references, when relevant, to Dostoevsky's life and other works.
Coetzee, J. M., The Master of Petersburg PR9369.3.C58 M3 1994b Viking,
The protagonist of this novel is a fictional Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
whose actions follow loosely, the major historical events of Dostoevsky's
life, and that of his major, as well as less significant works. The author
takes this liberty in creating a literary pastiche of the mid-nineteenth
century novelist as a reflection of his own struggles in an oppressive,
apartheid South Africa. Source: Frank, Joseph, The New Republic, Oct. 16,
1995, p. 53.
Conradi, Peter J., Fyodor Dostoevsky PG3328 .C65 1988 St. Martin's Press,
A look at four of Dostoevsky's great works, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot,
The Devils, and The Brothers Karamazov, and two of his lesser works, The
Double, and Notes from Underground. The focus is on relating these works
to Post-Romanticism, and on portraying Dostoevsky as a "Modernist",
as well as comic writer
Cox, Gary. Tyrant and victim in Dostoevsky PG3328 Z6 C6 1984 Slavica
Publishers, 1984, c1983.
An analysis of Dostoevsky's works focusing on the theme of personal dominance;
that throughout his novels, the characters are organized hierarchically
as "Tyrants and Victims", which the author further subdivides
into more specific character types. Through exploring the relationships
of Dostoevsky's characters in this sense, other systems or themes within
his works are brought to light.
Critical essays on Dostoevsky PG3328.Z6 C75 1986 G.K. Hall, c1986.
Dalton, Elizabeth, Unconscious structure in The idiot : a study in literature
and psychoanalysis PG3325 I33 D34 Princeton University Press, 1978.
An exploration into the psychology of Dostoevsky's characters in The Idiot.
A special effort is made to isolate the analysis of this novel from biographical
associations with the author, while allowing for some obvious connections
between the events of Dostoevsky's life and the characters of this novel.
Danow, David K. The dialogic sign : essays on the major novels of Dostoevsky PG3328.Z7 T435 1991 : F8 P. Lang, 1991.
De Jonge, Alex, Dostoevsky and the age of intensity PG3328 Z6 D37 Secker
& Warburg, 1975.
A look at Dostoevsky, the writer, as an artist whose works, though tremendously
advanced and influential in his time and in the present, were a portrait
of the age in which he lived. Emphasis is placed on Dostoevsky's intuitive
capacity to foretell the coming of a new era in European and Russian relations.
Dirscherl, Denis. Dostoevsky and the Catholic Church PG3328.Z7 R4226
1986 Loyola University Press, [1986]
A look into the influence of western religion, predominantly the Roman Catholic
Church, on Russian cultural and political view; first through and analysis
of pre-Dostoevsky animosity towards Catholicism in Russian society, and
then, using Dostoevsky as the spokesperson and catalyst for change, an analysis
of the questions he posed in his life and works regarding the Catholic Church
that have lasted into the present
Dodd, W. J., Kafka and Dostoyevsky : the shaping of influence PT2621.A26
Z6766 1992 St. Martin's Press, 1992.
This book studies the influence Dostoyevsky had on Kafka and his writing.
Kafka, throughout diary entries, is seen to emulate Dostoyevsky in his "eye
for luminous detail, his mastery of the grotesque, his psychological prowess
and his depiction of spiritual crisis." (p. 202) Another important
comparison is the ability of both authors to substantially intertwine their
lives and their prose.
Dostoevskaia, Anna Grigor'evna Snitkina, The diary of Dostoyevsky's wife,
PG3328 D612 1928 The Macmillan company, 1928.
This work contains the diary of Dostoyevsky's wife, Anna Grigoryevna soon
after her marriage. It details the time they spent together in Western Europe,
specifically Petersburg, Berlin, Dresden, Baden-Baden, and Switzerland.
In her own words the diary was written in part because "my husband
was to me such an interesting and wholly enigmatic being, that it seemed
to me as though I should find it easier to understand him if I noted down
his every thought and expression"
Dostoevskaia, Anna Grigor'evna Snitkina, Dostoevsky : reminiscences PG3328
D628513 Liveright, [1975]
This compilation is in the same nature as that already mentioned above,
however it covers a larger time span, beginning with "The First Stage
of Married Life"; and continuing past Dostoevsky's death. There is
also a written section detailing Anna Grigoryevna's early childhood, youth,
and her initial acquaintance with Dostoevsky. The book is not phrased in
diary form.
Dostoevsky & Gogol : texts and criticism PG3328 Z6 D628 Ardis, 1979.
This text and criticism includes Gogol's works "The Diary of A Madman",
"The Nose", and "The Overcoat". Dostoyevsky's works
include "Mr. Prokharachin" and "The Polunkov". They
are followed by six critical essays comparing and contrasting the prose
in areas such as "The School of Sentimental Naturalism" and "Towards
a Theory of Parody."
Dostoevsky, new perspectives PG3328 Z6 D629 1984 Prentice-Hall, 1984. A criticism and interpretation of Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881) "A Spectrum Book" including an index and bibliography.
Dostoevsky studies : journal of the International Dostoevsky Society. PG3328 Z6 I53 : PG3328.Z6 Published for IDS by Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Klagenfurt, 1980-
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Complete letters PG3328.A3 L68 1988 Ardis, c1988-c1991.
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Dostoevsky as reformer : the Petrashevsky case PG3328.A3 K53 1987 Ardis Publishers, c1987.
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, The letters of Dostoyevsky to his wife PG3328 A3 H5 R.R.Smith,inc. 1930.
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Selected letters of Fyodor Dostoyevsky PG3328.A3
M27 1987 Rutgers University Press, 1987.
This edition contains copies of Dostoyevsky's letters dating from 1821-1881,
along with a brief chronology, genealogy, and biographical sketches. In
general, while the letters contained within Dostoyevsky's novels are "brilliant"
in prose, his personal correspondance was generally fueled by practical
considerations and immediate demands.
Dowler, Wayne, Dostoevsky, Grigor'ev, and native soil conservatism DK189.2
D685 University of Toronto Press, 1982.
This text examines the nature of the conservative state in Russia, specifically
noting Grigorev's theory that "in the new Russian nationality the ancient
tradition of Russian fraternity would be reconciled with the new, Western
elements of Russian life." (p.180) The work also claims such theories
provided the framework for Dostoyevsky's conception of nationality and its
relationship to literature.
Eng, Jan van der. The Brothers Karamazov by F. M. Dostoevskij. Essays.
PG3325.B73 E5 Mouton, 1971.
A large portion of this work examines Dutch studies of Jan Van der Eng (in
the actual Dutch) on Dostoyevsky's literature. However, it is proceeded
by Jan M. Meyer discussing Dostoyevsky as an author and the process of writing.
He also deals with the problem of illogical chronicle time presented in
"The Brothers Karamazov."
Fanger, Donald. Dostoevsky and romantic realism; a study of Dostoevsky
in relation to Balzac, Dickens, and Gogol. PG3328 Z6 F25 1967 University
of Chicago Press [1967, c1965]
This study sets up the nature of realism and creates the appropriate atmosphere
by introducing Balzac, "The Heightening of a Substance", Dickens
"Realism, Subjunctive, and Indicative", and Gogol "The Apotheosis
of the Grotesque". Part II examines the influence of this nature on
Dostoyevsky and his ability to make "the individual personality the
repository of mystery, the nucleus, as it were, of all these concentric
circles" (p. 264).
Fayer, Mischa H. Gide, freedom and Dostoevsky. PQ2613 I2 Z627 Lane press
This work is a discussion of the French thinker Andre Gide, detailing his
transition from a Satanist into a "champion of freedom and defender
of human rights" (p.145) and examining the influential role Dostoyevsky
played in this metamorphosis. Dostoyevsky is cited as presenting Christianity
in a manner which allows Gide to synthesize individualism and altruism.
Frank, Joseph, Dostoevsky : the miraculous years, 1865-1871 PG3328 .F68 1995 Princeton University Press, 1995.
Frank, Joseph, Dostoevsky : the seeds of revolt, 1821-1849 PG3328 F7 Princeton University Press, 1976.
Frank, Joseph, Dostoevsky : the stir of liberation, 1860-1865 PG3328 .F745 1986 Princeton University Press, 1986.
Frank, Joseph, Dostoevsky, the years of ordeal, 1850-1859 PG3328 F74
1983 Princeton University Press, 1983.
A comprehensive, four-part biography of the writer. This is by far the most
extensive biography of the author.
Fueloep-Miller, Rene, Fyodor Dostoevsky: insight, faith, and prophecy.
PG3328 Z6 F82 Scribner, 1950.
By using a letter written immediately prior to his death, in which Dostoevsky
laments that he has expressed only a fraction of what he has to say, Miller
states that the author was overwhelmed by daily life, and belonged solely
to his work, to his writing. He links Dostoevsky to Kierkegaard--comparing
their existential philosphies. He considers Dostoevsky's relious beliefs,
concluding that he was a reasoned skeptic, yet a firm believer in the knowing
of God through Christ. Finally, Miller asserts that Dostoevsky predicted
the dangers of a totalitarian state, forseeing somehow the events of the
Revolution and the Soviet government which would "reduce men to a herd"
by breaking the bonds of family and human companionship.
Gibson, Alexander Boyce, The religion of Dostoevsky PG3328.Z7 R424 Westminster
Press, [1974, c1973]
The author is affirming the existence of "philisophic doubt and religious
faith" as seperate, yet not contradictory elements within Dostoevsky's
work. There is no compromise within Dostoevsky's characters--disparate elements
are at work, and conflicting, within their minds. Gibson calls this a "dichotomy
of faith and reason."
Gide, Andre, Dostoevsky. PG3328 G52 1949a Secker & Warburg, 1949.
Concerned with Doesoevsky's public acceptance, Gide works to discount the
theory that the author's universe is not one of fantastic nightmares, but
a very real and competent portrayal of 19th century Russian life. He examines
Raskolnikov in detail, concluding that he is completely bankrupt of heroic
stature, a thoroughly common man who commits a brutal and inhuman act.
Goldstein, David I. Dostoyevski and the Jews PG3328 Z7 J4513 University
of Texas Press, 1981.
The author confronts questions regarding Dostoevsky's anti-semetism, concluding
that he was, if not an anti-semite, then a extreme patriot, whose preoccupations
with the psychological aspects of wealth-based power made him oddly succeptible
to the xenophobic elements of 19th century St. Russian society. In his speech
upon the death of Pushkin, Goldstein claims, Dostoevsky called for the unity
of all peoples, except the Jews.
Grossman, Leonid Petrovich, Balzac and Dostoevsky. PG3328 G713 Ardis
Grossman points out that the first literary effort of Dostoevsky's was a
translation of Balzac's Eugenie Grandet, which was published two years before
Poor Folk, in 1844. He draws parallels between several characters in both
author's novels. One which I notcied was the comparison of Raskolnikov to
a character named Rastignac in Balzac's work. Both characters, Grossman
states, extensively consider the "right of the supermen to transgress"
what are deemed to be the acceptable moral standards of their time.
Grossman, Leonid Petrovich, Confession of a Jew DS135 R95 K647313 1975 Arno Press, 1975.
Grossman, Leonid Petrovich, Dostoevsky; a biography. PG3328 G6613 1975 Bobbs-Merrill, c1975.
Guerard, Albert J. The triumph of the novel : Dickens, Dostoevsky, Faulkner PN3491 G8 Oxford University Press, 1976.
Harper, Ralph, The seventh solitude; man's isolation in Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, and Nietzsche. B4377 H37 Johns Hopkins Press [1965]
Hingley, Ronald. Dostoyevsky : his life and work PG3328 H55 P. Elek, 1978.
Hingley, Ronald. The undiscovered Dostoyevsky PG3328 Z6 H55 1975 Greenwood Press, 1975, c1962.
Hlybinny, Uladzimer, Dostoevski in Russian Emigre criticism, PG3328.Z6 S4929 1975 Nordland, [c1975]
Hlybinny, Uladzimer, Dostoevski's image in Russia today PG3328 Z6 S58 Nordland Pub. Co. [c1975]
Holquist, Michael, Dostoevsky and the novel PG3328 Z6 H6 Princeton University Press, 1977.
Hubben, William, Four prophets of our destiny: Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Kafka. B803 H8 Macmillan, 1952.
Ivanov, V. I. Freedom and the tragic life : a study in Dostoevsky PG3328.Z7 R425613 1989 Longwood Academic, 1989.
Jackson, Robert Louis. The art of Dostoevsky : deliriums and nocturnes
PG3328 Z6 J3 Princeton University Press, 1981.
This work primarily deals with Dostoevsky as a whole. It includes themes
that Dostoevsky deals with in his writings, such as human nature and its
limitations and possibilities, the question of ideal, evil, fate, suffering
expressed through conscience. The works examined belong to the major period
of his creation, 1861-1881. It opens with The Peasant Marey and it turns
to deeper analysis. Works used: Winter Notes on Summer Impressions, Notes
from the Underground, Crime and Punishment, The Gambler, The Brothers Karamazov,
Diary of a Writer.
Jackson, Robert Louis. Dialogues with Dostoevsky : the overwhelming questions
PG3328.Z6 J33 1993 Stanford University Press, 1993.
This book is an overwhelming material that not only deals with Dostoevsky
and his work, but tries to connect and shed some light on the influences
and other great writers in connection to this Russian genius. The main point
is that Dostoevsky is in his work and that the fluidity of his works not
only changes the way we look at them, but makes us learn more about Dostoevsky
Jackson, Robert Louis. Dostoevsky's quest for form. B4238 D674 J3 Yale University Press, 1966.
Jackson, Robert Louis. Twentieth century interpretations of Crime and
punishment : a collection of critical essays PG3325.P73 J3 1974 Prentice-Hall,
This is a collection of essays on this novel by Mochulsky, Madaule, Chirkov,
Onasch etc. They all write about different specifics, although the issue
is the same, the one to understand and further explain the significance
of it. Themes are the imagery, philosophy, even the first sentence in the
novel, the character of Raskolnikov, the problem of evil, the right of men,
the death of Marmeladov etc
Johnson, Leslie A. The experience of time in Crime and punishment PG3325.P73
J64 1985 Slavica Publishers, 1985, 1984.
This work discusses the issue of time in this novel. The book begins with
the scene with the "old, flat, silver watch." It tries to prove
that time in the novel can be bought and sold, but it can also be a burden.
It talks about Dostoevsky making time a subjective time novel. This is all
compared and looked at in comparison with the XX century preoccupation of
writers for the issue of time.
Jones, John, Dostoevsky PG3328 Z6 J59 1983 Clarendon Press, 1983.
Jones, Malcolm V. Dostoyevsky after Bakhtin : readings in Dostoyevsky's fantastic realism PG3328.Z7 R385 1990 Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Jones, Malcolm V. Dostoyevsky : the novel of discord PG3328 Z6 J6 Elek, 1976.
Kabat, Geoffrey C. Ideology and imagination : the image of society in
Dostoevsky PG3328 Z7 P66 Columbia University Press, 1978.
This a study of Dostoevsky in relation with the Russian history and society,
and the implications of them on his writings during the period from 1860-1881.
It is a study of his political ideology and his views on the world in order
to find the definite influences in his works. It talks about his nationalism,
anti-semitism and his gambling and other wanderings outside of the religious,
moral schism of orthodoxy.
Kjetsaa, Geir, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, a writer's life PG3328 .K5513 1987 Viking, 1987.
Krasnov, Vladislav. Solzhenitsyn and Dostoevsky : a study in the polyphonic novel PG3488 O4 Z725 University of Georgia Press, 1980.
Lary, N. M. Dostoevsky and Dickens: a study of literary influence PG3328
Z6 L27 1973 Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973.
An exploration of the impact of Charles Dickens' novels on Russian literature,
particularly of the writing of Dostoyevsky. The book focuses on Dostoyevsky
critically as a writer, rather than as the traditional philosopher, religious
thinker, etc. It is concerned mainly with Dostoyevsky's writing and only
touches Dickens by implication.
Lary, N. M. Dostoevsky and Soviet film : visions of demonic realism PG3328.Z7
F564 1986 Cornell University Press, 1986.
How Dostoyevsky's works were translated onto film in the Soviet Union given
that many of his ideas contradicted the current Marxist-Leninist ideology.
Sources for the book include film adaptation of Dostoyevsky's works, films
about the author himself, and various types of scripts.
Lavrin, Janko, Dostoevsky, PG3328 Z6 L3 1947 The Macmillan Company, 1947.
Based upon the author's previous, out-of-print book, Dostoyevsky and his
Creation. After a brief recounting of Dostoyevsky's life, Lavrin delves
into the mind of the writer, examining his beliefs on the human condition,
etc. and explores the effect of Dostoyevsky's writing on Russian society.
Leatherbarrow, William J. Fedor Dostoevsky PG3328 Z6 L36 Twayne Publishers, 1981.
Leatherbarrow, William J. Fyodor Dostoyevsky--The Brothers Karamazov
PG3325.B73 L4 1992 Cambridge University Press, 1992.
A study of Dostoyevsky's novel, The Brother's Karamazov, focusing only on
the themes of justice and of order and disorder, rather than trying to cover
all of the novel's other levels of interpretation. The book includes a timeline
of the major events in Dostoyevsky's life and a section on the critical
reception of the novel.
Lehrman, Edgar Harold, A "Handbook" to the Russian text of
Crime and punishment PG3325 P73 L4 Mouton, 1977.
A handbook intended for students who had the equivalent of three years of
Russian who are attempting to read Dostoyevsky's novel Crime and Punishment.
The handbook follows the novel from beginning to end, providing definitions
and explanations for words or phrases that the reader may have difficulty
Lloyd, John Arthur Thomas, Fyodor Dostoevsky, PG3328 L5 1947 C. Scribner's
sons, 1947.
A biography on Dostoyevsky which discusses how the physical, sometimes traumatic,
events in the writer's life affected him mentally and how these internal
changes are unconsciously, and even consciously, are transmitted into his
Lord, Robert, Dostoevsky; essays and perspectives. PG3328 L6 University
of California Press, 1970.
A collection of essays covering major periods in Dostoevsky's life and his
works. Since the author claims that interpretation of Dostoevsky's works
change with time, all the essays in the book are current and are placed
in chronological order. Also, a translation of "Stavrogin's Confession"
is included as it had not appeared in any previous translations of The Devils
(The Possessed ) and also to make sense of the final essay in the book.
Lyngstad, Alexandra. Dostoevskij and Schiller PG3328 Z6 L9 Mouton, 1975.
A study of the influence of Schiller on Dostoevskij, beginning with evidence
of "Schillerism" in Dostoevskij's earliest works and culminating
into an extensive look into Schiller's impact on Dostoevskij's novel, The
Brothers Karamazov.
Mackiewicz, Stanislaw, Dostoyevsky. PG3328 M3 Orbis [1947]
MacPike, Loralee. Dostoevsky's Dickens : a study of literary influence PR4566 M3 1981 Barnes & Noble, 1981.
Magarshack, David. Dostoevsky. PG3328 M35 Harcourt, Brace & World
[1963, c1962]
A detailed biography of this famous novelist. Magarshack explores the events
of Dostoevsky's life, from his initial education, to his exile, marriage,
and death. He explores the man's relationships, and adds authenticity to
this biography through the generous use of historical fact, and Dostoevsky's
own journals.
Matlaw, Ralph E. The brothers Karamazov : novelistic technique. PG3328
Z6 M29 Mouton, 1957.
An exploration of the literary themes in Dostoevsky's novel, The Brothers
Karamazov. Matlaw outlines the use of allusions, myths, narration, irony,
balance, and harmony. Also a commentary on the use of other literary figures
to contribute to the overall effect. He calls Brothers Karamazov, "one
of the most "literary books ever written." This book is not about
the story, but the actual literary means used to write this famous novel.
Maurina, Zenta, A prophet of the soul: PG3328 Z6 M313 J. Clarke [1940?]
This book serves to describe Dostoievsky's relationships with his fellow
authors, and the way that he was perceived both at home and abroad. It is
a biography, describing the way that certain events in his life shaped his
views on society, his opinions, and his relationships. It is also an outline
and an explanation of his characters, and how they relate to, or illustrate,
his philosophy of life.
Meier-Graefe, Julius, Dostoevsky, the man and his work, PG3328 M43 G.
Routledge and Sons ltd.; Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1928.
This work gives us an in-depth look at Dostoevsky's characters and novels,
more than a look at his own personal biography. Meier-Graefe spends much
of the book detailing and condensing Dostoevsky's works, often incorporating
events from his life to illustrate the creation of his stories. Rather than
a typical biography, this work is a literary critisism that explores the
duality of Dostoevsky's life with his ficticious characters.
Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich, Tolstoi as man and artist : with an essay on Dostoevski PG3385 M473 1902a Archibald Constable & co, ltd. 1902.
Mikhailovskii, N. K. Dostoevsky, a cruel talent PG3328 Z6 M513 1978 Ardis,
A book that delves into the cruelty and torture with which Dostoevsky seemed
preoccupied. Mikhailovsky explores Dostoevsky's works in relation to the
cruelty and torment of his characters, especially in those works which are
not so well-known. Dostoevsky had penetrated "...into the various gloomy
recesses of the human spirit," and it is this aspect of his works that
is the basis to Mikhailovsky's book.
Miller, Robin Feuer, The Brothers Karamazov : worlds of the novel PG3325.B73 M7 1992 Twayne Publishers c1992.
Miller, Robin Feuer, Dostoevsky and The idiot : author, narrator, and reader PG3325 I33 M54 Harvard University Press, 1981.
Mochul'skii, K. Dostoevsky: his life and work, PG3328 M613 1971 Princeton
University Press, 1971, c1967.
This detailed biography concentrates mainly on the critical exploration
of Dostoevsky's writings, both in relationship to each other, and on an
individual basis. The book interprets Dostoevsky's main themes, such as
the consciousness of the modern man, freedom, religious-philosophical arguments,
and the use of the "double" in Dostoevsky's novels. Mochulsky
has "analyzed (the works) in terms of the natural synthesis of form
and content."
Morson, Gary Saul, The boundaries of genre : Dostoevsky's Diary of a
writer and the traditions of literary utopia PG3325.A16 D638 1990z Northwestern
University Press, [1990?], c1981.
Opinions vary as to whether or not Dostoevsky's Diary of a Writer was nothing
but a conglomeration of pieces of writing, or if the Diary was tied together
by some broader tradition. Morson's research in the field of literature
has brought him to the conclusion that the Diary was in fact a work that
was meant to be read, as he has discovered unity when analysis is applied
via his "genre theory" which he explains in this work.
Muchnic, Helen. Dostoevsky's English reputation, 1881-1936. PG3328 Z6
M8 Octagon Books, 1969.
The study of great artists is an historical process which is meant to serve
different interests. Muchnic, using Dostoevsky as an example, has attempted
to identify these interests and show the progression of thought over a given
period of time. She shows the relationship between the development of society,
and evolving English attitudes toward Dostoevsky as an artist.
Murav, Harriet, Holy foolishness : Dostoevsky's novels & the poetics
of cultural critique PG3328.Z7 H646 1992 Stanford University Press, 1992.
Claiming that Dostoevsky has "reinvented the holy fool" Murav's
critique accuses Dostoevsky's literature of being representative of "three
interrelated problem's: narrative innovation, cultural critique, and authorial
self-representation." Murav has traced the development of several characters
in many of Dostoevsky's work and draws the conclusion that readers are "scandalized
and left with the possibility for [what she calls] conversion."
New essays on Dostoyevsky PG3328 Z6 N43 1983 Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Nuttall, A. D. Crime and punishment : murder as philosophic experiment PG3325 P73 N8 Published for Sussex University Press by Scottish Academic Press, 1978.
Panichas, George Andrew. The burden of vision : Dostoevsky's spiritual art PG3328 Z7 R435 W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1977
Passage, Charles E. Character names in Dostoevsky's fiction PG3328 Z7
C477 Ardis Publishers, c1982.
A compilation of 513 fictional family names and explanations of them is
intended to "enhance the study of the English-reader.' Many of the
names which Dostoevsky creates using the Russian language are used specifically
to further engage the readers conceptions of individual characters. Often
this "Dostoevskian" quality is lost in translation. Passage's
primary objective in this book is to analyze the Russian names and convey
their significance for the English reader.
Passage, Charles Edward, Dostoevski the adapter; a study in Dostoevski's
use of the tales of Hoffmann. PG3328 Z6 P3 University of North Carolina
Press, 1954.
There are several purposes which Passage has intended to accomplish in this
work. Important among these was the contribution to an area of research
which the author feels has not been fully explored: Dostoevsky's 'pre-exile"
period. He was particularly interested in uncovering the "procedures
of a great artist in the initial stages of his career."
Payne, Robert, Dostoyevsky: a human portrait. PG3328 P35 Knopf, 1961.
Most scholar's approach a knowledge of Dostoevsky's life and work through
intellectual systems which can be culturally bias and hostile to context.
Payne's concern in this work is to "portray the living man by creating
a portrait, [rather] than to use him as a peg for a variety of theories."
Peace, Richard Arthur. Dostoyevsky; an examination of the major novels
PG3328 Z6 P36 University Press, 1971.
Two chapters are dedicated to each of Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The
Devils and The Brothers Karamazov in Peace's literary review of Dostoevsky.
Also included in the review are examinations of Notes From the Underground
and earlier writings. Peace states, "the intention of [this] study
is not to do what has already been done, but rather to look closely at the
texts of the major novels and see how each functions as a work of art."
Proctor, Thelwall. Dostoevskij and the Belinskij school of literary criticism.
PG3328 Z6 P7 Mouton, 1969.
A study of 19th Century Russian literary critics Belinskij, Cernyshevskij,
Dobroljubov, Pisarev, and Mixajlovskij. Since all but one critiqued Dostoevskij,
his work is used as the unifying factor in showing the thought and ideas
of these men.
Reeve, F. D. The white monk : an essay on Dostoevsky and Melville PG3328 .R35 1989 Vanderbilt University Press, 1989.
Rice, James L. Dostoevsky and the healing art : an essay in literary
and medical history PG3328 .R5 1985 Ardis, c1985.
A biography of Dostoevsky, concerned mainly with his medical problems, both
physical (epilepsy) and psychological. The book discusses his treatments,
events in his life which complicated his illnesses, and how his condition
shows up in his writing, such as the epileptic hero of his novel The Idiot.
Rice, James L. Freud's Russia : national identity in the evolution of psychoanalysis BF109.F74 R523 1993 Transaction, c1993.
Roe, Ivan. The breath of corruption; an interpretation of Dostoievsky.
PG3328 Z6 R55 1972 Kennikat Press [1972]
This book analyzes each of the protagonists and examines the crimes and
the sources and meaning of authority in each of Dostoevsky's major novels.
Furthermore, Roe proposes interpretations of the themes of faith, revolution,
and corruption in these works.
Rosenshield, Gary. Crime and punishment : the techniques of the omniscient
author PG3325 P73 R6 Peter de Ridder Press, 1978.
Rosenshield examines the dynamic of the objective third-person narrator
in Crime and Punishment. This narrator is inconspicuous, omniscient, and
infallible, an almost godlike consciousness relaying the story. The narrator
serves as a spokesman for the implied author, whom Rosenshield pointedly
distinguishes from the historical Dostoevsky.
Rowe, William Woodin. Dostoevsky; child and man in his works. PG3328
Z6 R6 New York University Press; London, University of London Press 1968
Throughout his novels, Dostoevsky consistently uses the child to convey
his deepest feelings. This book examines the child as victim and as adult,
as mental image in memories and dreams, and as "modifier" in descriptive
devices. Finally, Rowe looks at the adult as child in Dostoevsky novels.
Rozanov, V. V. Dostoevsky and the legend of the Grand Inquisitor. PG3325 B73 R613 1972 Cornell University Press [1972]
Sandoz, Ellis, Political apocalypse; a study of Dostoevsky's grand inquisitor. PG3325 B73 S23 Louisiana State University Press [1971]
Schapiro, Leonard Bertram, Russian studies DK262 .S317 1987 Viking, 1987, c1986.
Serrano Plaja, Arturo. 'Magic' realism in Cervantes; Don Quixote as seen throughTom Sawyer and The idiot. PQ6353 .S4713 University of California Press, 1970.
Shestov, Lev, Chekhov, and other essays. B4259 S52 E55 1966 University of Michigan Press [1966]
Shestov, Lev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Nietzsche. PG3415 P5 S513 Ohio University Press [1969]
Shestov, Lev, In Job's balances: on the sources of the eternal truths B4259 S53 N213 1975 Ohio University Press, [1975]
Simmons, Ernest Joseph, Feodor Dostoevsky, PG3328 S53 Columbia University Press, 1969.
Smith, Jeremy, Religious feeling and religious commitment in Faulkner,
Dostoyevsky, Werfel, and Bernanos PN49 .S56 1988 Garland Pub., 1988.
This work contains nine essays concerned with the "inherent weakness
of the committed novel." (p.283) Smith argues that Dostoyevsky's novel
"The Idiot" is in fact a success because the author does not specifically
express judgments. Rather, the author stays within the imagined reality
he has created.
Solov'ev, Evgenii Andreevich, Dostoievsky, his life and literary activity;
PG3328 S653 G. Allen & Unwin, ltd.; The Macmillan Company [1916]
Contains seven sections. An introduction; a section about Dostoievsky's
childhood; another beginning with the death of his mother up until his illnesss.
The next section follows with his involvement in the Petrashevsky circle
up until his arrest; the following section contains writings about his return
from exile and his second marriage; the sixth section discusses Dostoievsky's
fame; and the final section contains a summary of Dostoievsky's influence.
Steiner, George, Tolstoy or Dostoevsky; an essay in the old criticism. PG3410 S8 E.P. Dutton, 1971, c1959.
Sutherland, Stewart R. Atheism and the rejection of God : contemporary philosophy and the Brothers Karamazov BL2747.3 S86 Blackwell, 1977.
Terras, Victor. F.M. Dostoevsky : life, work, and criticism PG3328.Z6
T39 1984 York Press, c1984.
This small book is a quick Dostoevsky study including a biography, chronological
list of Dostoevsky's works, survey of Dostoevsky's major fiction and four
essays titled, "Dostoevsky--the journalist and political figure,"
"Dostoevsky's Philosophic and Religious Thought," "Dostoevsky
the psychologist" and "Dostoevsky's Novelistic Craftsmanship."
Terras, Victor. The Idiot, an interpretation PG3325.I33 T47 1990 Twayne Publishers, 1990.
Terras, Victor. A Karamazov companion : commentary on the genesis, language, and style of Dostoevsky's novel PG3325 B73 T47 University of Wisconsin Press, 1981.
Terras, Victor. The young Dostoevsky (1846-1849): A critical study. PG3328 Z6 T4 Mouton, 1969.
Thompson, Diane Oenning. The brothers Karamazov and the poetics of memory PG3325.B73 T49 1991 Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Troyat, Henri, Firebrand : the life of Dostoevsky, PG3328 T72 Roy publishers
This biography of Dostoevsky is ³written in a spirit of absolute sincerity
and great love²(p.6). It deals with Dostoevsky¹s private life
(family, exile, prison) as well as his many works (House of the Dead, Notes
from the Underground, The Gambler, and Brothers Karamazov).
Vatai, Laszlo. Man and his tragic life, based on Dostoevsky. BD431 V34
Philosophical Library [c1954]
This work is considered a ³much needed philosophical appraisal of the
great Russian novelist²(p.v). It is a study of Dostoevsky as well as
the philosophical issues from his works, especially dealing with the ³Philosophy
of the Awareness of Human Existence². The author deals with issues
such as life and death, suffering, individual and social human relationship,
nature and God.
Wasiolek, Edward. Dostoevsky: the major fiction. PG3328 Z6 W3 M.I.T.
Press [1964]
This work is a ³book about 'major fiction¹ of Dostoevsky¹s²(p.xii)
which attempts to clarify certain paradoxes in his works. The author deals
with the paradoxical heroes and tries to clarify certain mysteries in Dostoevsky¹s
works especially in Notes from Underground, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot,
The Possessed, and The Brothers Karamazov.
Weisgerber, Jean, Faulkner and Dostoevsky : influence and confluence
PS3511 A86 Z98563 Ohio University Press, c1974.
This text combines the two authors in ten essays arguing varied topics;
for instance "Between the Devil and the Good God," and "Questioning
the Novelistic Tradition." Weisberger is generally concerned with Dostoevsky's
influence on Faulkner and states "We will see above all that Dostoevsky
furnishes Faulknerians with some extremely useful instruments: an observation
post, a guiding theme, a detector indicating meanings and values."
Wellek, Rene. Dostoevsky; a collection of critical essays. PG3328 W4
: PG3328 .W4 Prentice-Hall [1962]
This book consists of several essays of Dostoevsky and his works. Those
who have written the essays are quite well-known, such as D.H. Lawrence
and Sigmund Freud. The essays have opposing ideas, and positive and negative
reviews. Specifically, works such as Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The
Brothers Karamozov, The Double, and The Grand Inquisitor were all discussed,
including Dostoevsky himself.
Westbrook, Perry D. The greatness of man; an essay on Dostoyevsky and
Whitman. PG3328 Z6 W4 T. Yoseloff [1961]
This book juxtaposes the famous works and thoughts of Dostoevsky and Whitman.
It talks about their respected societies and what their roles played out
to be.
Woodhouse, C. M. Dostoievsky. PG3328 W6 Roy Publishers [1951]
Yarmolinsky, Avrahm, Dostoevsky, his life and art. PG3328 Y3 1957 Criterion
Books [1957]
This is a long, thorough biography on Dostoevsky. It includes illustrations,
and it seems to cover his life almost day to day. This book deals more about
what Dostoevsky did, and less about how he though. His works are discussed,
but are not examined too closely.
Yarmolinsky, Avrahm, Dostoevsky; works and days. PG3328 Y34 Funk & Wagnalls [1971]
Zander, Leon Alexander, Dostoevsky. PG3328 Z6 Z3 SCM Press [1948]
An analysis of Dostoevsky's works with the focus on countering a common
misunderstanding among scholars, that Dostoevsky was pre-occupied with evil.
Citing some of Dostoevsky's major characters, such as Arcady Dolgoruky,
Prince Myshkin, and Alyosha Karamazov, Zander insists that Dostoevsky himself,
strove to portray goodness in mankind.
Zernov, Nicolas. Three Russian prophets: Khomiakov, Dostoevsky, Soloviev
BX595 Z4 S. C. M. Press, 1944.
A look at Khomiakov, Dostoevsky, and Soloviev as three of Russia's greatest
19th century Christian writers whose work served to establish Russia as
the "middle-world" between Europe and Asia. Zernov sees these
writers as embodying the Russian Christian tradition, and that their understanding
of the nature and destiny of man is a valuable lesson to the western world.
Ziolkowski, Eric Jozef, The sanctification of Don Quixote : from hidalgo to priest PQ6353 .Z56 1991 Pennsylvania State University Press, c1991.
Zweig, Stefan, Three masters : Balzac, Dickens, Dostoeffsky, PN764 Z82
The Viking press, 1930.
The author chooses Balzac, Dickens, and Dostoeffsky and the three greatest
writers of the 19th century, who, through their characters, established
a concept of life that reflected individually, each authors look towards
the advancement of their society and culture, but collectively, outlined
a new world view. The book is comprised of three essays on these writers.