Works by Dostoevsky in English Translation in the Middlebury
College Library
(Annotations courtesy of RU351 students -spring 1996)
The Adolescent. PG3326 P5 1971 Doubleday, 1971.
The Adolescent is a story about a nineteen year old boy named Arkady who
is in search of his identity. He was born an illegitimate child and grew
up during the 1870's, a period of disorder in Russia. In addition to dealing
with Arkady's daily humilations, the novel deals with religious issues and
God's role in Russian people's lives. The main theme is that "without
God man cannot exist";(p.xxi) and Dostoevsky goes into issues of harmony
in life due to God.
Best Short Stories. PG3326 A15 1955 Modern Library [1955]
The Brothers Karamazov. PG3326 .B713 1976 Norton, c1976.
The Brothers Karamazov is a "detective story about a case of parricide";(p.357,
Collier's Encyclopedia, Macmillan Educational Company, [New York, 1992).
In this novel, Karamazov is murdered and robbed by his bastard son Smerdyakov.
His real son Dmitri is suspected and convicted of the crime. Ivan, another
son, knows this. Alyosha, the fourth son, serves as the religious angelic
figure in this novel. Once again, Dostoevsky deals with issues of the existence
of God and in fact makes religion the center of the novel. He explores the
role of religion in people's lives.
The Brothers Karamazov: a novel in four parts and an epilogue. PG3326
B7 1912 W. Heinemann, 1912.
The Brothers Karamazov: a novel in four parts with epilogue. PG3326
.B7 1990 North Point Press, 1990.
The Brothers Karamazov. PG3326 B7 M2 Penguin Books [c1958]
The Brothers Karamzov. PG3326 B7 G3 The Modern library [n.d.]
The Brothers Karmazov. PG3326 B7 1957 New American Library [1957]
Buried alive; or, Ten years penal servitude in Siberia. PG3326 Z3
1881 Longmans, Green, and co., 1881. (See also House of the Dead)
Complete Letters. PG3328.A3 L68 1988 Ardis, c1988-c1991.
Crime and Punishment PG3325 P713 1975 Norton [1975]
Crime and Punishment is a"psychological account of crime";(p.356,
Collier's Encyclopedia). The central character is an ex-student named Raskolnikov
who murders an old pawn-broker and her sister for no real apparent reason.
This novel also deals with the role of religion in one's life. Although
Raskolnikov is not caught, he ends up confessing out of guilt and a prostitute
named Sonia helps him with his"spiritual rebirth";(p.356). The
novel deals with Raskolnikov's guilt and the causes for the murder.
Crime and Punishment. PG3326 P7 G3 1978 Modern Library, c1978.
Crime and Punishment. PG3326.P7 G3 1932 The Modern Library, [1932]
Crime and Punishment: a novel in six parts with epilogue. PG3326.P7
P4 1992 Knopf, 1992.
Crime and Punishment. PG3326 P7 G3 Modern Library [1950]
Crime and Punishment. PG3326 P7 G4 1956 Random House [1956]
The Crocodile : An Extraordinary Event, or a Show in the Arcade.
PG3326 K6 1985 Ardis, c1985.
Demons : a novel in three parts. PG3326 .B6 1994 A.A. Knopf, 1994.
(See also The Possessed).
The Diary of a Writer. PG3326 A16 B7 C. Scribner's Sons, 1949.
The Diary of a Writer is made up of two volumes which deal with Russian
political issues. Much of it deals with the liberation of the peasants in
1861, as well as Russia's role in the"future destinies of Slavdom";(p.vii).
This novel has been described as a "noble human document"; in
which Dostoevsky plays the role of the "friend of humanity";(p.vii).
He becomes the voice of the Russian people who are dissatisfied by the unrest
in Russia. The sketches in the diary are accounts of the events in Russia
accompanied by Dostoevsky's political questions.
The Double: a poem of St. Petersburg. PG3326 D8 Indiana University
Press [1958]
The Double: two versions. PG3326 D8 1985 Ardis, c1985. Evelyn Harden,
trans. Ann Arbor: Ardis Publishers, 1985.
Started writing in 1845. Completed 28 January 1846. Dostoyevsky believed
The Double to be one of his finest works up to the point. It received mixed
reviews. It was rewritten in 1866. Main character, Golyadkin, is described
as touchy and a madman.
The Eternal Husband and other stories. PG3326 V5 1917 Heinemann,
[1917]. Constance Garnett, trans.
The Friend of the Family; or Stepantichikovo, and its Inhabitants, and
another story. PG3326 S4 1920 Heinemann [1920]
The Gambler; Bobok; A Nasty Story. PG3326 I4 1966 Penguin Books,
The Gambler, with Polina Suslova's diary. PG3325 I41 1972 University
of Chicago Press [1972] Victor Terras, trans.
Written quickly under the threat of financial ruin, The Gambler seems to
be the most revealing, most autobiographical work. Reflects on destruction
caused by the roulette wheel and the ladies in his life, particularly Polina
and Blanche. Aleksei, the protagonist, is described as "a person without
social consequence"; (intro) whose insignificance becomes his significance.
The Grand Inquisitor. PG3325.B75 E5 1984 Ungar, c1984.
The Grand Inquisitor : with related chapters from The Brothers Karamazov.
PG3326 .B72 1993 Hackett Pub. Co., c1993. Constance Garnett, trans.
The House of the Dead PG3326 Z3 1950 Macmillan Co., 1950.
The House of the Dead. Jessie Coulson, trans. Oxford University Press,
A collection of stories and memoirs composed by Dostoyevsky during his emprisonment.
Often brutal, sometimes sad, and sometimes evoking empathy for the prisoners,
the stories have an enlightening, thought provoking effect on the reader.
The Idiot PG3326 I3 1955 : PG3326 .I3 Penguin Books, 1955.
The Insulted and Humiliated. PG3325 U513 1976 Progress Publishers,
1957, .U513 1976 1976 printing.
The Insulted and Injured: a novel in four parts and an epilogue PG3326
U5 1915 Heinemann, 1915.
The Letters of Dostoyevsky to his Wife. PG3328 A3 H5 R.R.Smith,inc.
1930. Elizabeth Hill, trans.
Letters of Fyodor Michailovitch Dostoevsky. PG3328 A3 M3 1964 McGraw-Hill,
Letters of Fyodor Michailovitch Dostoevsky to his Family and Friends.
PG3328 A3 M3 1961 Horizon Press [1961] Ethel Colburn Mayne, trans.
Collection of letters to his father, brother, Maria Dmitryevna and various
other members of his family and his friends.
Memoirs from the House of the Dead. PG3326 Z3 1965 Oxford University
Press, 1965.
Netochka Nezvanova. PG3326 N4 D8 1970 Prentice-Hall [c1970]
The Notebooks for A Raw Youth. PG3326 P65 A5 University of Chicago
Press [1969] Ed. Edward Wasiolek. Trans. Victor Terras.
Unlike the indecision evident in the notebooks for The Idiot and The Possessed,
these notes reveal Dostoevsky's fixed intent to write a novel about disorder
in society and the search of the younger generation for order. The notes
also trace the development of Versilov from a "patchwork" character
to a strong, stable character.
The Notebooks for Crime and Punishment. PG3325 P73 A53 University
of Chicago Press [1967] Ed. Edward Wasiolek. Trans. Victor Terras.
Dostoevsky had determined the character of Raskolnikov and the dramatic
situation of Crime and Punishment long before starting these notebooks,
wherein his search for Raskolnikov's motives unfolds. The notes furthermore
show that he toiled painstakingly over details such as point of view, tone,
and factual accuracy.
The Notebooks for the Brothers Karamazov PG3325 B7513 University
of Chicago Press [1971] Ed. Edward Wasiolek. Trans. Victor Terras.
Since Dostoevsky had a firm subject, fixed characters, and a clear dramatic
situation early on in these notes, the book itself very much resembles the
notebooks. Dostoevsky whittles details out of his basic ideas in these notes,
focusing on adjusting psychological insight in his characterizations.
The Notebooks for The Idiot PG3325 I3313 University of Chicago Press
[1967] Ed. Edward Wasiolek. Trans. Katharine Strelsky.
These notes reveal Dostoevsky's uncertainty about characters and relationships
for The Idiot. The reader sees that Dostoevsky changed the role and the
problem of the "Idiot" himself several times. The idea of the
proud, vengeful heroine, fatally compelled to provoke and reject love, however,
remains constant from notes to book.
The Notebooks for The Possessed. PG3325 A16 Z31 University of Chicago
Press [1968] Ed. Edward Wasiolek. Trans. Victor Terras.
These notes communicate Dostoevsky's conflict of wanting to write one thing
and finding himself writing something else. The notes witness the convoluted
evolution of his characters, and the endless rehearsals of relationships,
showing that his art and genius stem from misdirection.
Notes from Underground. PG3326 Z4 1982 University Press of America,
[1982] c1969. Ed. Robert G. Drurges. Trans. Serge Shishkoff. Dostoevsky
relates Notes from the Underground as the personal thoughts and memoirs
of a forty-year-old man trapped in thought, addressing the rest of humanity,
from which he feels such a pleasurable, painful alienation. The book details
the schisms between arrogance and humiliation, and activism and inertia.
Notes from Underground: a new translation, backgrounds and sources, responses,
criticism. PG3326 .Z4 1989 Norton, c1989.
Poor Folk. PG3326 B4 1982 Ardis, c1982. Trans. Robert Dessaix.
This book is directly linked to Notes from Underground in that it first
portrays pathetic people unable to distinguish between life and literature.
Moreover, the eccentric, isolated, oppressed, and self-analytical hero writing
in the first person initially appears in this work. The epistolary form
relates the self-revelations of two social outcasts whose nobility of soul
ironically matches that of their aristocratic counterparts.
Poor people. PG3326 B4 Modern Library, [19--].
The Possessed. PG3326 .B6 1962 New American Library [1962] See also
The Possessed. PG3326 B6 1936 Modern Library, 1963.
A Raw Youth: a novel in three parts. PG3326 P5 1916 W.Heinemann,
[n.d.] See also The Adolescent.
Selected Letters of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. PG3328.A3 M27 1987 Rutgers
University Press, c1987.
The Short Novels of Dostoevsky. PG3326 A15 1945 : PG3326 Dial Press
[1945] .A15 1945
The Short Stories of Dostoevsky. PG3326 A15 1946 The Dial Press,
Stavrogin's Confession. PG3326 B6 W6 1947Lear Publishers, 1947.
A chapter originally excluded from The Possessed and/or Demons.
Stories. PG3326 A16 G6 Progress Publishers, 1971, 1975 printing.
The Unpublished Dostoevsky; diaries and notebooks, 1860-81. PG3326
A16 P76 Ardis, 1973.
The Village of Stepanchikovo and its Inhabitants from the notes of an Unknown.
PG3325 S413 1983 Angel Classics, 1983.
Winter Notes on Summer Impressions. PG3328 .A183 1988 Northwestern
University Press, c1988. Translated by David Patterson.
In June of 1862, Dostoevsky left for his first excursion to Europe. This
work is a compilation of his impressions of several capitals and other cities,
specifically Paris and London. Winter Notes on Summer Impression was published
in February of 1863. This is a book about human beings and being human--penetrating,
insightful and critical.
A Writer's Diary. PG3326.A16 L36 1993 Northwestern University Press,
1993 (See also Diary of a Writer). Translated by Kenneth Lantz. Introduction
by Gary Saul Morson.
This Diary strikes the reader as one of the strangest works in world literature.
The diary stresses that Russian history is and must be different from that
of any other country. A sense of Slavophilism is created in the work. In
addition it is a very detailed description of many of the issues with which
Dostoevsky dealt with and the circumstances surrounding them.