Attendance - You must attend all classes.
Late Work is not an option in this course. You must keep pace!
Homework should be exemplary, written in a script any Russian could be proud of.
Tests and Exams - Regular exams will be given at the end of each section. The final counts as one exam. In addition, if it is better than your average grade, it can count as an additional grade in place of your worst exam.
Makeup - permitted only for medical reasons or personal emergencies
Cheating - Plagiarism - Much of the work of the course depends on group efforts and interactions. Asking someone for assistance is an intelligent way to do good work. However, representing someone else's work as your own is academically dishonest and is not tolerated at Middlebury. When in doubt, give credit to others involved in your work, and cite that assistance at the bottom of the assignment. Ex. "Olya helped me with numbers two and three," or "Sasha and I worked together on this assignment."
Grades are based on active and consistent participation, regular and on time completion of asssignments, and oral and written evaluations during quizzes and exams.
60% |
20% |
20% |
100% |
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