RUSS0103 Beginning Russian
Russian Literature of the Nineteenth Century
RUSS0101a Beginning Russian
RU0152 Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century An innovative approach to independent student work using the latest in new technologies.
RUSS0103 Beginning Russian |
Russian Literature of the Nineteenth Century
RUSS0101 Beginning Russian |
The Keys to Angels and Demons
The Course----- The Novel Annotated
RUSS0103 Beginning Russian |
Russian Literature of the Nineteenth Century
RUSS0101 Beginning Russian |
RU0152 Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century An innovative approach to independent student work using the latest in new technologies.
RUSS0103 Beginning Russian |
RU0152 Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century An innovative approach to independent student work using the latest in new technologies.
Intensive Beginning Russian Language and Culture (Russian 102)
RUSS0101 Beginning Russian |
Master and Margarita |
RUSS0103 Beginning Russian |
RUSS0101 Beginning Russian |
RUSS0101 Beginning Russian |
FYSE 1087 A - The Da Vinci Code: Fact or Fiction? The Keys to Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code |
Spring 2004
Fall 2003
Intensive Beginning Russian Language and
Culture (Russian 102) Students in the course prepared an
electronic mini-encyclopedia of Russian
history and Culture |
Fall 2002
Spring 2002
Fall 2001
In Search of the Heroes of Our Time
Contemporary Issues (with a section on ecology)
Independent study: A course on Russian Ecology made for the
web that can be used within a course or for individual instruction. The course
includes links to student designed mini-courses in Russian on
Computer Piracy, Putin, Disarmament and Chechnya.
Spring 2000
RU 351 Dostoevsky -Spring 2000
With a new student guides to Memoirs from the House of the Dead,
and Notes from the Underground
Fall 1999
RU232: The Origin and Nature of
Human Language
Good morning, Vermont a Russian
course for |
Dostoevsky-Spring 1996.
Dostoevsky (Russian 351) Student papers on
themes of his major novels. |
Middlebury College
Professor Thomas R. Beyer, Jr.
contents copyright (C) 1998, Thomas R. Beyer, Jr. All rights reserved