The Keys to
The Solomon Key
In the fall of
2007 I taught a seminar at Middlebury College to explore some of the issues
surrounding Dan Brown's future novel. The result was a set of papers and
presentations presented here for the day when the novel does appear. The
students as well as I are proud of the results. We also wish to express our
gratitude to those who helped make this course and these projects a success:
Judy Watts and Shel Sax who offered assistance on library and technical
resources, and Maddie Terry, our
writing tutor who helped make these better papers. (Click on the title for the
paper, on the name for the Power Point supplement).
Egyptian Influences in Washington D.C.
Leon Templo and The New Temple
Masonic Symbols in Washington D.C.
The Forbidden
City and Washington D.C.
Marina Tokoro