dreams Dreaming is a special state of consciousness for Steiner when we reconnect to the ether life. Cf. Occult Science (255 ff., 378-379).
the first stage of initiation is: waves lapped at the cold lap of Luna ("lin-len-lon") Is this a formula from Steiner's works?
Maias Latin. "The mother of Mercury by Jupiter." Or the Hindu sense of "the production of an illusion" or "the illusion of the reality of sensory experience." Also see Steiner, Occult Science (230).
imaio, imaho, imago Latin "imago", Note that "imaginative cognition. . . . is the first stage of higher cognition." Steiner, Occult Science (271 ff.)
it's mine for Russian [imeyu] "I have."
what's mine for Russian [imenie] "possession."
mien The air, bearing, carriage or manner of a person, as expressive of character or mood.
Demons. This poem by Kliuev has been cited several times in the work.
Shiraz In the text we find this proper noun spelled three different ways-a clear indication of some confusion on the part of the typesetters or editor. After consulting with Swetlana Geier, the masterful translator from Russian into German, I believe that Bely must be referring to the city of Shiraz, an important center as early as the 4th century BC, but it attained its greatest prestige as an Islamic cultural center from the late 7th century AD on. It was the capital of the Zand dynasty (1750-94). capital of the province of Fars, southwestern Iran, lies in a fold of the Zagros Mountains. In Section 33 Bely has spelled this word Siherach. This is Bely's third spelling attempt Siherach, Siearach and now Sierach. I have found none of the references.
Ahura-Mazda. The supreme deity of Zoroastrianism. Sun or Light Spirit--the Sun Aura, Ahura Mazdao" (Steiner, Occult Science, 237).
Swar svar according to Brugmann is "bright sky."
Helios Greek "god of sun." Bely has covered this ground in Section 34 "Greek changes for us the Sanskrit "s" into aspiration, into "h"; "r" softens into "l"; we comprehend, that "serios" is -- "selios" -- "selios" is -- sé-lios" ; -- the sounds of the sun in Greek are -- products from the primal root "Ser" -- "hélios." In fact the Greek "helios is "sun." Cf. Pokorny (I, 881-882) and Preobrazhensky (352-353). Also see Stuart E. Mann An Indo-European Comparative Dictionary Hamburg: 1984-1987. (1114). The IE root for sun, etc. is to be found in the root sauel-....sul-...sun-. The connection between the root ser or sor, comes through association with the Greek "helios" for "sun." Helios is the sun god son of Hypernion who drives his chariot from east to west across the sky each day. Bely has a quote from his own work: Ofeira: Putevye zametki written in 1910 in which he compares solntse, soleil, selios and helios. p. 62
Ser-ios Bely may have intended the Greek name Seirios
Sirius The brightest star in the sky, the chief of the constellation Canis Major, or Great Dog. Egyptians considered Canis Major the most important constellation in the sky. A number of Egyptian temples were oriented so that at the rising or setting of Sirius, the starlight reached the inner altar. In the Egyptian calendar, the appearance of Sirius in the morning sky before sunrise marked the beginning of the annual flooding of the Nile.